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Členství: Katedra sinologie
Katedra sinologie
Celetná 20
Místnost č. 240
Filip Suchomel is a member of the KREAS research team.
– Filip Suchomel. “Japonisme born in fire. Japanese impact on Central European glass and ceramics.” in: Dénes, M. – Fajcsák, Gy. – Splawski, P. – Watanabe, T. eds. Japonisme in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Budapest, Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts, 2020. ISBN 978-615-5987-34-2, pp. 183–198.
– Filip Suchomel. “Collecting Japanese art in Czech lands in the long 19th century with a special emphasize to Japanese decorative art.” in: Kaori Hidaka (ed.). Transmitters of Another Culture. Research on Japan-related Overseas Collections from the 19th Century. Tokyo 2019, pp. 317–326. ISBN 978-4-653-04384-3
– Filip Suchomel. “Johann Adalbert Kratochwill and His Two “Indian Interiors in Bohemia.” Studies in Conservation, vol. 64, no. Suplement 1, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2019, pp. S45–52.
– Filip Suchomel. “Chinese Porcelain in the Czech Aristocratic Collections of the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries.” in: Gabriela Krist – Elfriede Iby (eds.), Investigation and Conservation of East Asian Cabinets in Imperial Residences (1700-1900), Lacquerware, Porcelain, Paper and Wall Hangings, Wien 2018, s. 153–166. ISBN 978-3-205-20508-2
For more information see the AMU website.