Born 1980 in Jindřichův Hradec; 1998–2004 M.A. programme in Sinology (thesis Theoretical basis for making of a dictionary of minimal lexical stock for reading Classical Chinese texts) at Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague (FF UK), 2009 Ph.D. in Languages of Asian and African Countries at FF UK (thesis Word-class Flexibility in Classical Chinese: Verbal and Adverbial Uses of Nouns), 2015 habilitation in Linguistics of Chinese at Charles Univesity.
Specialization: historical linguistics of Chinese, theory and history of Chinese writing, history of Chinese linguistics, ancient Chinese literature and philosophy
Selected publications:
Sün-c’. Překlad, komentář, studie [Xunzi. Translation, commentary, study]. Praha: Academia 2019.
Chan-fej-c’, sv. II. Překlad kapitol XXX–LV s komentářem [Hanfeizi. Translation and commentary, vol. 2/2]. Praha: Academia, 2013.
Chan-fej-c’. Překlad, komentář, studie. Sv. 1 [Hanfeizi. Translation, commentary, introductory studies, vol. 1/2]. Praha: Academia, 2011.
Word-class Flexibility in Classical Chinese. Verbal and Adverbial Uses of Nouns. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011.
Čínské písmo [Chinese Writing] (together with M. Pejčochová). Praha: Academia, 2009.
Čínské písmo [Chinese Writing] (together with M. Pejčochová). Revised and enlarged edition. Praha: Karolinum, 2024 (in print).
Articles/monograph chapters:
“Phonostatistics of Old Chinese: ‘Chéngxiàng’ and ‘Fù’ chapters of the Xúnzǐ”. In: Behr, Wolfgang, and Lisa Indraccolo, eds., Warp, Woof, Wen / Phoneme, Pattern, Pun – Structural Approaches to Early Chinese Texts, Studies in the History of Chinese Texts Series, E.J. Brill: Leiden, (in print).
“The Reconstructed Morphology of Old Chinese and Word Classes in Warring States Chinese”. Journal of American Oriental Society, (in print).
“A Report on Stylometric Experiments with Pre-Modern Chinese Texts”. Archiv Orientální 92.1, 2024, 109–127.
Rev. Třísková, Hana, Mluvte čínsky hezky: prozodie hovorové čínštiny [Speak Nice Chinese: Prosody of Spoken Chinese]. Praha: Academia, 2021. Nový Orient 76.2, 2021 [published 2022], 77–79.
“Počátky čínské gramatografie jako ukázkový příklad adaptace západní vědy na čínské podmínky uprostřed rozporů mezi tradicí a modernitou” [The Beginnings of Chinese Grammatography as a Paradigmatic Case of Adaptation of Western Science on Chinese Conditions amidst the Clashes between Tradition and Modernity]. In: Olga Lomová, Jitka Malečková, Karel Šima a kol., Setkávání kultur. Identity, ideologie, jazyky, Praha: Nakladatelství FF UK, 2022, 263–279.
Rev. Camus, Rina Marie, Archery Metaphor and Ritual in Early Confucian Texts. Lan-ham – Boulder – New York – London: Lexington Books, 2020. Monumenta Serica 70.1, 2022, 249–251.
“Against the Maltreatment of Classical Chinese Function Words as Membra Disiecta”. In: Li Wen and Ralph Kauz, edd., Teaching Classical Chinese, Großheirath: Ostasien Verlag, 2021, 179–190.
“Ancient Chinese Sentence Final Particle ěr爾”, Cahiers de Linguistique – Asie Orientale 50.1, 2021, 1–64.
“The First Chinese Grammar between the Domestic Tradition and Western Modernity: Neglected Aspects of Mǎ Jiànzhōng’s Prefaces to Mǎshì wéntōng (1898)”, Archiv Orientální 88.1, 2020, 57–93.
“Linguistic affinites of the Yǐnwénzǐ text in light of basic corpus data”. In: Wolfang Behr, Rafael Suter and Lisa Indraccolo, edd., The Gongsunlongzi and Other Neglected Texts: Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020, 347–396.
Rec. G. E. R. Lloyd, Jingyi Jenny Zhao (eds.) (in collaboration with Qiaosheng Dong), Ancient Greece and China Compared, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, xv, 430 pp. EASTM 49, 2019, 128–133.
“A Preliminary Study of the Lexical Field norm in Ancient Chinese: Etymology, Word-formation, and Conceptual Metaphor”. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 4, 2017, 11–50.
“Concessives, Pre-Modern”. In: R.P.E. Sybesma, W. Behr, Gu Yueguo, Z.J. Handel, C.T.J. Huang, James Mayers, edd., Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, vol. 1, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2017, 658–665.
“Word Classes, Pre-Modern”. In: R.P.E. Sybesma, W. Behr, Gu Yueguo, Z.J. Handel, C.T.J. Huang, James Mayers , edd., Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, vol.4, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2017, 566–576.
“Mǎshì wéntōng”. In: R.P.E. Sybesma, W. Behr, Gu Yueguo, Z.J. Handel, C.T.J. Huang, James Mayers , edd., Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, vol. 2, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2017, 682–689.
“Chinese and Prague Linguistic School”. In: R.P.E. Sybesma, W. Behr, Gu Yueguo, Z.J. Handel, C.T.J. Huang, James Mayers , edd., Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2017, 447–451.
“Word, Wordhood, Pre-Modern”. In: R.P.E. Sybesma, W. Behr, Gu Yueguo, Z.J. Handel, C.T.J. Huang, James Mayers , edd., Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2017, 549–554.
“Pokus o kvantitativní jazykovědu klasické čínštiny – základy glottometrie staročínských textů” [An Attempt at Quantitative Linguistics of Classical Chinese – Basics of Glottometry of Ancient Chinese Texts]. Nový Orient 71.2, 2016, 44–55.
“Lǚshì Chūnqiū: Object Words Denoting Processes”. In: Barbara Meisterernst, ed., New Aspects of Classical Chinese Grammar. Asien und Afrikastudien der Humboldt Universität, Harrassowitz, 2016, 149–174.
“Čínský pojem yì 義 a jeho český překlad [The Chinese Term yì 義 and its Czech Translation].” Nový Orient 69.3, 2014, 48–55.
“A Weapon in the Battle of Definitions: a Special Rhetorical Strategy in Hánfēizǐ.” Special issue of Asiatische Studien 68.3, 2014, (forthcoming).
“The Ancient Chinese Language.” In: Tim Wright, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies. [on-line] New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. [].
Since school year 2004/2005: teaching at IEAS of the Faculty of Art, Charles University in Prague
Latest talks
12th–13th November 2022: „Nominalizace sloves a adjektiv v klasické čínštině z pohledu funkční typologie [Verb and adjective nominalisation in Classical Chinese from the functional-typological perspective]“, 15th Annual Czech-Slovak Sinological Conference, FF MU, Brno
12th–13th November 2021: „Pokus o užití stylometrických metod při posuzování stáří předmoderních čínských textů [An Attempt at an Application of Stylometric Methods for Assessing the Date of Composition of Pre-Modern Chinese Texts]“, 14th Annual Czech-Slovak Sinological Conference, OÚ AV ČR, Praha
4th and 11th November 2021: „Grammar of Classical Chinese between Philology and Typology: Measuring degree of nominalisation in Classical Chinese“, an on-line lecture within the cycle Methods in Sinology, organised by Mariana Zorkina and Maddalena Poli supported by Asien-Orient-Institut at the Universität Zürich and Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania
26th September 2019, lectures on Chinese writing and Chinese phonetics at the European Day of Languages, Hybernská Campus (FF UK)
14th–15th December 2018: “Against Maltreatment of Fuction Words in Classical Chinese as membra disiecta,” International Symposium on the Teaching of Classical Chinese, Universität Bonn
26th September 2008, lecture on Chinese phonetics at the European Day of Languages, Hybernská Campus (FF UK)
23rd–24th November 2018: “Kvantitativní fonologie staré čínštiny na základě rozboru kapitol Chéngxiàng a Fù knihy Xúnzǐ [Quantitative Phonology of Old Chinese: Analysis of the Chénxiàng and Fù Chapters of the Book Xúnzǐ],” 12th Annual Czech-Slovak Sinological Conference, FF UK and CCK-ISC, Praha
12th–14th April 2018: “A Formal Analysis of the ‘Fù’ and ‘Chéngxiàng’ Chapters of the Xúnzǐ: Phonostatistics of Old Chinese,” a talk delivered at the conference Warp, Woof, Wen / Phoneme, Pattern, Pun – Structural Approaches to Early Chinese Texts, University of Zurich
11th December 2017: “Stará čínština jako běžný zástupce sinotibetských jazyků: rekonstrukce staročínské morfologie [Ancient Chinese as a Common Sino-Tibetan Language: Old Chinese Morphology Reconstruction],” a talk for the Jazykovědné sdružení at the University of Hradec Králové
23th November 2017: “Between Meaning and Form: Selected Challenges in the Translation of the Xúnzǐ,” an invited talk delivered at the University of Zürich before the professor Hutton’s Xúnzǐ workshop
25th–26th November 2016: „Využití kvantitativních metod při zkoumání staročínských textů [Quantitave Methods in Research of Ancient Chinese Texts]“, 10th Annual Czech-Slovak Sinological Conference, FF MÚ, Brno
15th–16th September 2016: “Terminological Foundations of Ancient Chinese Legalism: Quantitative and Etymological Perspectives”, a talk delivered at the workshop on ancient Chinese legalism, held by the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków
22nd–27th August 2016: “Structural Peculiarities of Old and Modern Chinese I–VI”, six-session workshop as a part of the 10th year of the international Summer School of Linguistics, organized by ÚČJTK FF UK and held in Litomyšl