Mezinárodní sinologické centrum Chiang Ching-kuovy nadace při UK CCK-ISC srdečně zve všechny zájemce a jejich přátele na přednášku
Gordon Barrett, University of Manchester, „China’s Cold War Science Diplomacy“.
Datum: úterý 23.1. 2024 ve 14:00
Místo: FF UK, Celetná 20, místnost C117.
Přednáška představí nedávno vydanou stejnojmennou knihu China’s Cold War Science Diplomacy (…ion)
„During the early decades of the Cold War, the People’s Republic of China remained outside much of mainstream international science. Nevertheless, Chinese scientists found alternative channels through which to communicate and interact with counterparts across the world, beyond simple East/West divides. By examining the international activities of elite Chinese scientists, Gordon Barrett demonstrates that these activities were deeply embedded in the Chinese Communist Party’s wider efforts to win hearts and minds from the 1940s to the 1970s. Using a wide range of archival material, including declassified documents from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archive, Barrett provides fresh insights into the relationship between science and foreign relations in the People’s Republic of China.“