Dovolujeme si sdílet CFP na mezinárodní konferenci:
„Endless Narration: Exploring New Trends and Perspectives in Eastern and Western Literature 2024.“
The conference will take place at East China Normal University in Shanghai from April 5th to 7th, 2024.
The conference, co-hosted by East China Normal University (China), University of Göttingen (Germany), and Sorbonne Nouvelle University (France), aims to bring together scholars and researchers from diverse linguistic, cultural, and disciplinary backgrounds to explore the intricate ways narratives unfold across different cultural landscapes. It is an interdisciplinary exploration that seeks to foster dialogue and understanding of the evolving contours and trends of narratology in both Eastern and Western literature.
The thematic focus of the conference includes, but is not limited to:
- The Latest Trends in Narratology
- Intercultural Narrativity
- Narrativity and Folklore Studies
- Narration in Philosophy
- Emergent Methods and Theory in Narrative Studies
- Storytelling Boom and Its Social Relevance
- Narrative and Action: Political Narratives and Counter-narratives
- Potential of Fiction and “The Hatred of Fiction”
- Revisiting “Unreliable Narrator”
- Narrator and Author
- Narrative Ethics
- Events in “Plotless Literature”
- Intermedial and Digital Narratives
Submissions of titles and abstracts, along with a 200-word biographical note are expected to be sent to Wenyan Gu at wygu@zhwx.ecnu.edu.cn by February 15th, 2024.