Přednáška prof. Cheng-tian Kuo: New Religious Nationalism in Chinese Societies

Ústav filosofie a religionistiky zve na přednášku Prof. Cheng-tian Kuo: New Religious Nationalism in Chinese Societies.

Cheng-tian Kuo is Taiwanese Chair of Chinese Studies, International Institute for Asian Studies at Leiden University, the Netherlands. He is also Distinguished Professor of Political Science Department and Professor of Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

His paper systematically compares three models of state-religion relations in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, in terms of their treatments of five critical issues in state-religion relations: (1) state religion, (2) the separation of state and religion, (3) the conflict between national sovereignty and religious sovereignty, (4) the “anti-modernity” of Chinese traditional religions, and (5) the applicability of Western democracy to state-religion relations in Chinese societies.


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Začátek události
31.3.2016 14:10
Místo konání
Hlavní budova, místnost 225V
Webové stránky
Ústav filozofie a religionistiky FF UK
Typ události
Pozvánka, Přednáška
Úvod > Kalendář událostí > Pozvánka > Přednáška > Přednáška prof. Cheng-tian Kuo: New Religious Nationalism in Chinese Societies